June 2020 Newsletter
Dear Emmaus Community ~
Here we are in June with life blooming all around us. Flowers with such intricate beauty and for some –gardens sprouting to bring produce to sustain us. We have gone from shoveling snow to mowing grass. Funny how the ground always needs tended!
It seems like slowly but surely we are starting to “reboot” back into social life. The Emmaus Board has come up with a few ideas to get the Community
back together:
We will be having a virtual gathering for the month of June. Information and details will be on the Greater Findlay area website. It will also be posted on the Facebook page There will be music, a Fourth Day talk and possibly communion that you can join in at home.
We will have the July gathering at the waterfall pavilion at Riverside Park on the 21st. There will not be any food so please eat before you come. We will have music, a Fourth Day talk and communion.
In Matthew 14:28-33 we can read the account of Peter walking on the water. There are several lessons to be learned from that portion of scripture.
*Look for Jesus and keep looking to Jesus
*When Jesus commands you – obey Him
*Faith is simply taking the next step
*Faith unleashes the supernatural
*Fear will sink you
*Jesus saves you from many things
*A little faith is better than no faith
*You can choose to worry or worship
If you notice- the storm did not stop until Jesus and Peter both were back in the boat. I wondered why didn’t Jesus calm the storm and then bid Peter to come. Then that beautiful voice of the Spirit that brings conversation to my mind and thoughts said, “So He could teach him to walk through the storm.
Our Heavenly Father has been teaching many of us that same lesson these last few months. Our faith is evidenced by our actions. What do your actions say about your faith? Does it end in worship of Jesus like the disciples in the boat?
Please keep praying for our nation, our leaders and pastors. Pray for one another and we as board members desire your prayers for wisdom. As you are praying-listen for God’s voice. If you hear Him say, “Come.” Get out of the boat! Obey.
DeColores – Roxie Craig-Chairman